Monday, August 6, 2007

Amazon Bestseller Campaigns - Are They Worth It?

Author's Showcase: Amazon Bestseller Campaigns - Are They Worth It?

We've all seen the phrase on many a website or book "Amazon Bestseller", but what does that really mean? It turns out that Amazon updates it's sales rankings hourly. That means if you can get hordes of people buying your piece at the same time, you will be that hour's bestseller.

Exactly how does that affect your overall sales?
Amazon Bestseller Campaigns - Are They Worth It? - Black Author Showcase

If sales rankings make your day, perhaps you might enjoy using one of the online book trend trackers:
Easy Trackers for Book Trends

Monday, May 28, 2007

I, Catalyst

Author's Showcase: I, Catalyst

Striking literary change can be a bear. However real change in any field is difficult for most organizations and/or individuals. Just think of the last time you tried to trim a few pounds, get used to a new job or boss, or learn a new software program. Life is just sooooo much easier when we do things the way it's always been done.

The way everyone else does it.
Without making waves.
Without discovery.
Without spark.
No life.


I for one intend to embrace change and even act as a catalyst for others (misery just loves company). We are blessed to live in an unprecedented communicative age. Technology is expanding exponentially and everything we say or do is on a continuously sharpening edge.

Nothing is as it seems and frankly, everything you 'think' you know may be wrong.
So what.
We adapt.
We've got it like that.

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